The Color of the Year: 2023

The Color of the Year: 2023


The color of the year.

Every year when crafting the Annual, I deeply consider the weight of color psychology.  In creating a product that you may use every day or every week, what it gives and what it incites within you is so important. 

Each year is different. What I think each year requires from each of us changes and evolves, much like our own stories and journeys. 

2023 feels like a call to our imagination. We have learned so much about ourselves over the last few years and I think it's time that we really ask, "am I happy with the life I am creating for myself? For others around me?" In comes the 2023 color, new dawn. A soft orange, pulled from the sky in the early morning. 

It feels time to form new ideas. New ideas about how we work. How we move. How we plan...How we see ourselves. However we cannot do without our imagination.

When you work through this year's Annual, please consistently ask yourself, "Am I using my imagination to only create the things that I know and am familiar with, but no longer want or am I imagining the new, the sweet, the joy that I desire?"

Excited for the new year.

